Instagram Friday – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Instagram Friday – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Update 15th Feb: I am finding this week’s theme for the 52 week photography challenge very difficult. I have taken lots of pics with my phone but have struggle to capture anything with my Nikon. We have one more day … Continue reading

Instagram Friday

Here are my Instagram photos of the week. The days are getting lighter, although the weather has taken a turn for the worst! It has rained most of the week 😦

We are going to Edinburgh next weekend and I will be starting my 52 Week Photo Challenge then! My first topic will be: Valentine’s Day.


Instagram Friday

Below are my favourite Instagram pictures of the past week. On Sunday we went for a meal with hubby’s brother and his girlfriend. It was the first time the four of us got together and had a good chat. We also bought some Daffodils, I am surprised to see them in the shops so early in the year. They are so pretty and lift the mood of the house in these grey winter days.

We are getting our floors fitted this weekend and are super exited! Can’t wait to see it all finished as it is one of the last big things we are getting done in the cottage for the time being. What plans do you have for this weekend? Do you have any exiting news to share?

Hope you all have had a fantastic week!


Recap – My 27th year (Project 365)

I have spent the last couple of days going through my pictures and choosing my favourite ones. I tried to choose a couple for each month (which was very hard since some months were full of fantastic pictures memories).

Lets start with the month in which I turned 27!

November 2012

A carousel in the Trafford Centre

I love celebrating birthdays so I always try doing something special for each of them. For my 27th some friends, hubby and I went to London. We spent the night eating and drinking at one of my favourite restaurants in London. Lima serves amazing cocktails as well as food and it is a fantastic place to celebrate a special occasion. The following day we spent it at Camden Market; it is ideal for street photography.

Camden Markets

December 2012
One of my favourite months of the year. I love Christmas, during this month we try to do as many Christmassy things as possible. Whether it is watching films, decorating the tree, going to a play or to the markets.

Knutsford in colour

Glass baubles

Christmas Dinner

January 2013
This month brought lots of frost and snow. I love the snow as long as I don’t have to drive to work. The roads I mostly use are narrow country lanes which never get gritted. It can be quite scary, specially at night.

The village stocks

We also went on holiday to Brussels. It’s a beautiful city and found lots to do during our stay. We bought lots of chocolate and tried lots of different beers.

Can you guess where I am?

February 2013
Looking back it was one the best months in terms of photography. It was very hard choosing just three pictures for this month but the below are the ones I liked best.

Dutton Horse Bridge

Tulip Stigma

The picture below is one of my favourite of all the ones I took during the duration of the project.

New Brighton Lighthouse

March 2013
March was the month of experimenting. I had a go at fast and slow shutter speeds and my macro skills started to improve.

Orange Lilies

Water Droplet

Salford Quays


April 2013
April brought my husband’s birthday, we had the family over for some food and cupcakes. I custom ordered them as he is a big Star Wars fan. They were amazing!

Star Wars Cupcakes



May 2013
Beautiful May! We started venturing outside more and as you may have noticed more flowers on my posts (more than usual!); they are one of my favourite subjects along with landscapes. We also went to a couple of shows, one of them being the Bushcraft Show (picture below).

Rose Leaf

Massai Dance Troop

June 2013
June was the month of adventures! We went on an unforgettable holiday to France and Italy. We planned the trip ourselves and tried to fit as many activities as we could into each day. Italy is such an amazing country with lots and lots to see. Wish we had a little bit more time though as we couldn’t fit everything we wanted to see and do into our itinerary.

Eiffel Tower

View of Florence

July 2013
Summer finally arrived to the UK! For most of this month we had amazing weather, it felt like we were still in Italy. We had a picnic sitting by the river at Chatsworth House and then visited the gardens. It was so a different from the last time we went for a picnic – it rained all day and we had to have our picnic sitting in the car.




August 2013
This was the month of the butterflies and the last month in our old house. We had a butterfly friendly garden and every summer we would get lots of them.

Peacock Butterfly

Sunset and the pylon

cabbage white butterflies

September 2013
This is the month we moved to our new home. The best month of 2013!


Hawthorn Cottage

October 2013
One of the qualities we love about our new place is its location. There is no light pollution, it can get pretty dark at night and we can see the beautiful stars. October saw the arrival of Autumn, I went on a Masterclass to Tatton Park and spent the day photographing the gardens which looked beautiful at this time of the year.

Starry Night

Caernarfon Castle

Japanese Gardens Tatton Park

November 2013
This was my last month and it brought my 28th birthday. Hope this year is just as wonderful as the last one was.


Birthday Paper Chain

For the future, I am hoping to start a 52 Week Challenge in February, see the list below for the subjects. (It will run over until next January when all 52 weeks are done). I will also be sharing a picture of our travels on Thursdays and on Mondays having a look back at photographs I took over the last year and haven’t had the opportunity to share with you. Hope you enjoy it and continue checking my blog.

52 Week Challenge

Day 310 – Kitchen

The room we finished unpacking first was the kitchen. We were lucky, two of the most important rooms in the house (important to us anyway) were complete. They don’t need renovating or redecorating, the fittings and everything else are pretty new. The first time we came to see the house, the kitchen pretty much won me over. It was a sunny afternoon and the sun kept shining through the window. It was beautiful and at that moment I pictured myself spending time there. It is also the perfect size, everything is within reach. I used to struggle in our previous kitchen as all the cabinets were very high and I am petite Peruvian, so yes I used to use a step to reach the top of them.

Here is my picture for day 308.


And here is the whole picture 🙂


From Rome…

Hello Everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts. I was hoping to catch up before we left for Italy but the week before was a bit crazy. Italy has been so far pretty amazing! We have been to Venice, Florence, Pisa and now we are in Rome. My favourite place has been Florence, been giving hubby hints that we should move there!

I will be back home on Sunday and hope to continue with my 365 Project then! I have been taking lots of pictures and can’t wait to share them with you!

Hope you are all great and have an amazing week!

Here is a picture I took with my phone in Florence 🙂


Day 134 – When the Night Falls

I had a very busy day yesterday. I have joined a local gym and I am hoping to go at least 4 or 5 days a week. Yesterday was my third day going and I am loving it. I have joined with my friend Sarah and I hope we can keep each other motivated.

Last night, I went to the Mersey and Trent Canal to take some pictures. It was quite dark by the time I got there which was perfect as I had not taken pictures of the canal at night. I like both of the pictures below and couldn’t decide on one so here it goes Day 134.

Canal by night

Canal by night

Day 132 – Easter Sunday

Our Easter weekend was great, it was good spending some quality time with the family. On Sunday evening before we made our way home, we stopped by Parkgate to get some pictures of the twilight. Here it is my picture for Day 132.

Twilight - Parkgate, Wirral

I would also like to share the lovely table decorations my mother-in-law prepared for Sunday. Everything was very lovely 🙂

Easter Sunday - Daffodils

Day 130 – Egg Painting: Happy Easter!

On Friday for the first time I decorated some eggs ready for Easter. I should have first done my research on how to decorate them but I was so excited that I decided to go ahead and paint them. Later on, I realized that food dye is used to give them colour rather than painting them with watercolours like I did! It took a few coats to cover the eggs but at the end it didn’t look too bad. I added a little of glitter paint to finish it off. I love the sparkly effect 🙂

Hope you all have a Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

Easter Eggs

Below is an example on How Not to Decorate an Easter Egg.

Eggs and watercolours

Day 128 – Mates Burilados

One hundred twenty-eight days later and I am starting to run out of ideas. I will need to start planing my shots ahead otherwise I will be in the same situation as I was on last Wednesday. Panicking, looking around the house for something to photograph. Finally after searching high and low, I decided to take pictures of some Peruvian handicrafts which we gave away to our guests as wedding favours. This is my favourite of the two designs. I love the rich colours, the birds and flowers designs.

Mates Burilados

Mate Burilado